Supporting the Second Harvest holiday food drive

The campus has a long and close relationship with Second Harvest Food Bank. Every year, the UC Santa Cruz community is a major contributor to the annual holiday food drive. So it was a no-brainer when John Steele, our campus holiday food drive chair, partnered with my executive assistant Margaret McGuire to suggest that a team from campus contribute a few hours of labor to this good cause.

We sorted donations, packed boxes of food, and organized the warehouse where Second Harvest stages its food distribution, and I can honestly say that everyone who participated got a lot out of the experience. John tells me that UCSC has consistently been the third-highest contributor to the food drive behind Twin Lakes Church and Plantronics, which is a point of pride for the campus community.
As the food drive enters its final phase, please consider donating nonperishable food; donation barrels are located around campus. John also reminded me of the impact of cash donations: For every dollar donated, Second Harvest is able to distribute four healthy meals to people in our community.

The Staff Advisory Board and Academic Senate are great partners in this community effort, and I thank them for helping to mobilize the campus community around this important and worthwhile cause. Happy holidays!

Comments or questions? Write to and put "Harvest" in the subject line.