Response to our new ad

It has been just over two weeks since our new ad first appeared in the New York Times Magazine. Several people have told me they love the reference to our banana slug mascot, and some have criticized the bold graphics—particularly the red thumb. Two dear friends of the campus suggest that UCSC's founding was more of an innovation than a "revolt" against the educational status quo. I appreciate all the input I've received, both positive and negative. As an ad, it has done its job well—people are talking and thinking about UCSC. Our marketing director even got a call from another university asking how we'd gotten away with taking such a daring approach!
I think it's a great ad that captures our spirit. Yet, advertising is only one part of our ramped-up outreach effort, and no single ad will represent this complex and multi-faced campus perfectly.
Comments or questions? Write to and put "Ad" in the subject line.