President Obama honors Sandy Faber

It was a thrill to be seated just a few rows from the president. Sandy and her husband Andy, far right, were joined by UCSB Chancellor Henry Yang and his wife Dilling.
Well, chances are very good that I'll never again be as close to the president of the United States as I was on Friday, when I had the honor of watching my colleague Sandy Faber receive the National Medal of Science from President Obama. I've got to say, it was pretty impressive!
Sandy was cool and collected the whole time (she even pulled me aside at the reception following the ceremony to "talk business"). Obama was clearly having a good time—I spoke with an aide who confirmed my impression. And if you watched the ceremony and wondered what he whispered to Sandy as she received her medal, he congratulated her and said he admired her work.
Sandy was joined by her husband Andy, as well as her daughter and son-in-law. Many thanks to Sandy for including me in the celebration. It was also great to catch up with Vera Rubin, Sandy's mentor (and another recipient of the National Medal of Science), as well as UC Santa Barbara Chancellor Henry Yang and his wife.
Congratulations to UCSC's first National Medal of Science recipient!
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